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Four Reasons Why I Prefer Summer over Winter

After several times I experienced winter, I can now understand why so many ancient civilizations chose to worship the sun as their god (for example, the Inca and the ancient Egypt). even the English people call their special day of the week as "Sunday". I think whoever created the universe has been so kind, providing us with a huge source of energy called 'the sun' to keep this planet alive.

I personally enjoy sunshine very much, even though if it's scorching like that in the region where i'm living now (the Arabian Peninsula). However, even here apparently I still have to endure chilling winter for at least three months every year.

There are at least four reasons why I tend not to like winter:

1. I do not like wearing cumbersome winter clothings. I prefer t-shirts and short pants

2. In the winter I tend to sleep longer because I'm too lazy to get up when the outside temperature is so cold and the blanket is too cozy.

3. I have to turn on the heater which is so energy-consuming.

4. The night time is longer than the day time, it's depressing sometimes.

I think my homeland, indonesia, is actually a perfect paradise in terms of temperature. cool enough for coffee and warm enough for t-shirt. I miss it a lot.

---- A repost from my 2007 blog.


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